To Know the Lord
Is God closer than we could ever imagine?

What is Worship?
Instead of focusing on what worship should look like, perhaps a better beginning would be to discover what worship is.

To Distracted to Pray
Stillness is a spiritual space filled with the Fullness of God. It can be just about anywhere.

The Gates of Hell
At Caesarea Philippi Jesus revealed He was a bigger Messiah than His disciples could have imagined.

Autumn Leaves
A delightful story about how a little girl learns about God from the Autumn leaves

The Unlikely May Also Serve
The in-depth story of Thorncrown Chapel

Holy Holy Holy
Do we dare approach a holy God?

How Do Faith and Politics Mix?
What is the proper role of Christian faith in relation to politics?

The Story of the Vase
A unique visitor gives a unique gift to Thorncrown Chapel

Know Your Mountain
The heart that dwells in Zion knows God in greater ways than the heart that dwells at Sinai ever could.

Listening for God
Learning to discern God's voice

Jesus's responded to outrageous sin with outrageous love.

We are constantly filling our world with our perceptions. The things and people around us take on the meaning we give them.

When the Romans came, they brought with them high taxes, paganism, and an almost unimagined brutality.